In the Heart of Suza
29 février 2024 - 08:00
The Souza group, in Littoral Region of Cameroon (Moungo Division) is divided into 10 villages: Bekuma-Souza, Bonaberi-Suza, Bonasama-Souza, Grand-Souza, Kollo-Souza, Makemba-Suza, Mankoulang, Nkapa-Suza, Nkonpen and Nkonbiyang. Souza's cosmopolitan population is mainly made up of Bankon (Abo), Bassa and Bamiléké.For two months, the Muntu Media teams travelled the length and breadth of this locality, which is largely dominated by oil palm cultivation. Each week, starting in October, we bring you scenes from daily life in Souza. These images do not cover the whole of everyday life in Souza. They capture moments in life. This week, the food...
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